Why Is My Check Engine Light On?

May 26, 2024

The Check Engine Light strikes fear into the hearts of some Fort Myers drivers, and is totally ignored by just as many. Just what it means is a mystery to most people. Let's get the urgency issues out of the way first. If your Check Engine light is flashing, that means that something is wrong th... More

Differential Service in Fort Myers, Florida - What You Need to Know

May 19, 2024

Scratching your head? Don't worry, if you don't know what a differential is you will in a moment. That fact is that if you drive a car anywhere in Fort Myers, Florida, you have a differential. Whether your vehicle is front-wheel drive, rear-wheel drive or four-wheel drive, you have a differenti... More

Don't Start with That (Bad Starter Motor)

May 12, 2024

We've all heard that expression, "That's a non starter." When it comes to your vehicle, that's not music to a driver's ears. That sickening sound when you start the ignition and instead of hearing the engine crank, you hear it slowly turn over and your dash lights go dim. There can be many reaso... More

Have You Checked Your Headlights?

May 5, 2024

Like everything in the Florida automotive market, there have been great strides in headlight technology in recent years. Florida drivers can be safer at night because of it. Good headlights improve visibility on Fort Myers roads, enabling you to see farther. They also improve your peripheral visi... More