Oh, Stop! (Disc Brake Service)
January 12, 2025
Every time you drive your vehicle, you wear down your brakes just a little bit. And after a while, that adds up. Gradually, your stopping power isn't like it used to be. Since brakes are one of your vehicle's most important safety features, it just makes sense to keep them performing well. Mos... More

Stopping "Brake" Downs (Brake Pad Replacement)
March 31, 2024
If someone tells you to put the brakes on something, you know it means stop. And stopping is one of the most important safety maneuvers you can do in any vehicle. That means your brakes have to work properly. Let's face it. You stop dozens of times every time you drive. And over time, that t... More

Should Fort Myers Soccer Moms Follow the Severe Service Schedule?
March 17, 2024
So you take your vehicle in for maintenance and the pro at Tuffy Fort Myers (Daniels Pkwy) tells you that you ought to change your oil more often. What? You followed the maintenance schedule but you take a second look at that severe service schedule and see some of the following: 1. Most of your... More

Deciphering the Tuffy Fort Myers (Daniels Pkwy) Menu Board
September 3, 2023
Let's talk about deciphering the auto service menu board. Fort Myers, Florida, service centers like Tuffy Fort Myers (Daniels Pkwy) have a board that lists the routine services they provide. But some people don't know what these services really are unless they ask. Let's go down a typical list, ... More

Hey Fort Myers Drivers, How Many Miles Are on Your Car?
April 23, 2023
Nowadays, Fort Myers drivers are paying more at Florida gas pumps. For some families it adds up to several hundred dollars every month. That's got to come out of the budget somewhere. This is one of the reasons many Florida drivers are putting off buying a new car. They plan on keeping their old ... More

Is Your Fort Myers Driving Severe?
April 17, 2022
People near Fort Myers, Florida, often ask Tuffy Fort Myers (Daniels Pkwy) how often they should have a particular service done. It's a great thing to ask. You can look at your owner's manual or have your Fort Myers, Florida, service advisor at Tuffy Fort Myers (Daniels Pkwy) look up your vehicle... More

Ask Tuffy Fort Myers (Daniels Pkwy) About the Importance of Service Intervals
October 17, 2021
Today in our Tuffy Fort Myers (Daniels Pkwy) blog, we're going to talk about following recommended service intervals. Your vehicle isn't the only aspect of your life with recommended intervals: What about six-month dental cleanings and regular physical exams? Then there's laundry, mowing the law... More